Arcade Oak Design Floor
Parquet, squares parquetinstallation: floating or fully bonded suitable for underfloor heating classic precious wood parquet for the elegant residential and tender commercial sector
Main attributes of RUDDA Arcade Oak Design Floor
sanded smooth
Back to the Future
True values don't get lost. They may be less recognized in their meaning by one or the other generation. But their time will come again. It's like square parquet. For a long time, the value of these floors was appreciated only by a small number of enthusiasts. And over the years Rudda has been one of the few parquet specialists to keep square parquet on offer at all. But we always knew why. Today there are more and more people with a good taste who appreciate the loving handwork and the beauty in detail.
Your perfect RUDDA addition to this RUDDA product
You will find everything suitable combined with us - your dream floor made of the same wood as your RUDDA doors, wall cladding and steps.
mix and match
Your exclusive RUDDA benefits
Datasheet for RUDDA Arcade Oak Design Floor